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About Me

Who am I?

Hello friends, I am Mike Busa!

As far back as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by history books, especially stories of pioneers. What I admire most about them is how they break the status quo, refusing to be held back by societal norms. Pioneers embrace risk and uncertainty, enthusiastically venturing into the unknown. By leaving behind safety and predictability, they open themselves up to a life filled with exciting adventures and newfound freedom. Their journeys inspire me to chase after my dreams and create my own path.

Humble Beginnings

I grew up in a small, Missouri farm town of only about 2,000 people. Everyone knew each other so the sense of community was exceptionally strong. You would graduate high school with the same people you met in kindergarten. Even the teachers at school would get to know each student and their family, often teaching multiple siblings, cousins, and other extended members of the same family over the years. Looking back, I value the connections, simplicity, and support of my small town, which would be hard-pressed to duplicate in any major city worldwide.

Traveling Abroad

My international travel journey began just like everyone else’s, however, the story behind getting my passport is a bit unique. There I was, in my junior year of high school, I had just been suspended two weeks before winter break. If you’re thinking ahead like I was, that means I would have over a month off of school. Whether it was fate or coincidence, my aunt called my mother and asked who would be available to go to Cancun in the next couple of weeks. Of course, I jumped on the opportunity and rushed to get a passport. We arrived at the resort condominium on the last day of school before break. I had not told any of my friends that I was going to Mexico, so when I posted pictures on my Snapchat story, the reactions I received were priceless.

Alternative Path

I’ve always been one to question things, not in a self-righteous or defiant way, but rather out of sheer curiosity. I saw the path that most people in my hometown were on and wondered what else was possible. Everywhere I looked, I saw people doing the same things, whether it was going to the same colleges, working at the same places, or taking the same exact vacations. Early on I thought to myself: How can I graduate school early? How can I escape the 9-5? How can I experience new things? Ultimately, I decided joining the military was the answer.

Lessons Learned

My time in the military drastically improved my confidence, discipline, and communication. I moved around often and was constantly surrounded by new people. I became comfortable being uncomfortable. When you are living and working together for months at a time, you learn to adapt and get along with anyone. Some people I met were very interesting, for better or worse, but I’m glad to have met them and thankful for all the memories. No matter where you go, it’s the people that make a place enjoyable.

Giving Back

These days, I am taking full advantage of the freedom of choice that comes with civilian life. One week I can be spending quality time with friends and family in Missouri, the next week hiking in the mountains of the Philippines, and the week after that volunteering my time in South Korea. I’m free to travel when and where I want, but it’s important to note that I only got to this point as a result of careful planning and hard work. This does NOT happen overnight. My new passion is spreading information and helping others achieve a remote lifestyle filled with adventure! If you are interested in learning more, I suggest you read my blog and reach out to me with any questions.


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“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Lao Tzu